Showing posts with label McCormick's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McCormick's. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2011

What to do with an old confectionary...

Earlier this year Arch Sturaitis made a presentation at a City of London Public Planning forum, the purpose of which was to find possible uses for the old McCormick's property near Dundas and Highbury. Arch suggested we preserve the facade of the building (although see my comments about facades) along with some interior elements.

The purpose of the building? A Museum of Industry and Commerce (MIC) focusing on London and region's accomplishments in "Manufacturing, Finance, and Enterprise." Arch also suggested incorporating a Science Education Centre, Horticultural Centre, Industrial Textile and Millinery Arts Centre, Gemology Centre, Historical Archive/Museum, Cultural Works Centre, and Research Library for the Arts.

Just for the record, the current status of the factory is up in the air and apparently London's Realty Services Division will be accepting bids for the property sometime this fall. So if anyone out there would like to snap up an old biscuit works and turn it into an MIC, this could be their big chance. I don't know much about gemology centres but I've already pointed out that we need a real museum and we could also use an archive.

I contacted John Fleming of City of London Planning Division to see how far London's got in organizing all this. Not very far. Mr. Fleming agrees that the proposed MIC "would likely fit nicely with the revitalization initiatives and planning underway in the Old East Village." But he added a few questions to ponder. Like, who would own this building once renovated? Who's going to pay for the renovation? Would the finished result generate enough revenue to help pay for itself?

If anybody has the answers, feel free to leave them here.

Update, July 2012: I see no one had the answers. Neither did City Hall. And the tax sale was a no sale. Counsellor Stephen Orser considers this good news and stated in a recent Free Press interview that "we are moving forward." As Counsellor Orser's idea of moving forward is demolition, we can anticipate a vacant lot here soon.

Update, September 2012: A fire has now wreaked havoc in the building. Not surprisingly - after all, that's what happens to lots of abandoned buildings. Remember Locust Mount and Alma College? We can probably expect the fire-damaged section to be demolished even if a buyer is found.

Update, June 2014: I stand corrected. Sierra Construction, a Woodstock firm, has bought the building for $1 and are talking about turning the old building into a seniors' residence. Stay tuned. 

Update, August 2019: The factory and its site will be being transformed into residential and commercial space. The developer apparently intends to maintain the "Sunshine" look, preserving the white facade and windows. 

Update, September 2022: It's been ten years since my original post. And it's been nearly a decade and a half since London first discussed reuse of this site. Once again a developer has asked for zoning amendments. A new developer wants to build townhouses rather than single family homes backing on to existing homes backing on to existing homes on Albany Street. They also want to increase the height of a proposed apartment building along McCormick Blvd. from four to six storeys. Stay tuned. Again. (Sigh.)